Gaul Civ Vi

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  1. Civ Vi Gaul Leader
  2. Gaul Civ 6 Leader
  3. Gaul Civ Vi
  4. Civ Vi Download

On the flip-side of not needing theaters as much, Gaul is also a surprisingly good culture-victory civ. With the unit building culture bonus and ongoing culture from mines, you can get a reasonable jump-start on the other tools needed for cultural wins. Walkerjks, Dec 7, 2020 #7. Gaul is a versatile civilization that has bonuses when it comes to culture and production. We're going to overview the Civilization, learn its strengths and how to play it throughout the game. This guide is focused on the Gathering Storm expansion (Byzantium & Gaul pack). How to win Civilization VI as Gaul? Jan 17, 2006 On the flip-side of not needing theaters as much, Gaul is also a surprisingly good culture-victory civ. With the unit building culture bonus and ongoing culture from mines, you can get a reasonable jump-start on the other tools needed for cultural wins. Walkerjks, Dec 7, 2020 #7.

Gaul is a versatile civilization that has bonuses when it comes to culture and production. We're going to overview the Civilization, learn its strengths and how to play it throughout the game. This guide is focused on the Gathering Storm expansion (Byzantium & Gaul pack).

Civ Vi Gaul Leader

How to win Civilization VI as Gaul?

To win Civilization VI as Gaul you can either go the domination route from the beginning or turtle yourself to get a cultural victory. Either way build a lot of Oppidums (Industrial Zone replacement), plan your cities and districts accordingly to Gaul's rules (differs from other civilizations) and start the game settling cities as fast as you can because you will need all the space you can get.

Gaul Overview

Gaul is an expansive civilization that has to quickly gain territory in order to have enough space for its cities. The civilization excels at generating Culture and Production.

Civilization Ability: Hallstatt Culture

Mines gain +1 Culture, grant a +0.5 adjacency bonus for districts and trigger a Culture bomb when built, claiming surrounding unowned tiles. Specialty districts do not receive adjacency bonuses from other districts and cannot be built next to the City Center.

Ambiorix's Leader Ability: King of the Eburones

Civ vi gaul leader

'Come, enemy. Send an ambassador, for I have something to say which will benefit us both'

Receive Culture equal to 20% of the Production cost after training a non-civilian unit. Melee, ranged and anti-cavalry units receive +2 Combat Strength for each adjacent military unit, including enemy units.

Gaul unique district: Oppidum

Gaul's unique district, it replaces the Industrial Zone. The Oppidum behaves like an Encampment in the sense that it acquires Outer Defenses and Ranged Strike along with the city once Walls has been built.

  • Effects:
    • Lower Production cost
    • Acquires Outer Defenses and Ranged Strike along with the city once Walls has been built
    • Major bonus (+2 Production) for each adjacent Quarry or Strategic Resource
    • +1 Great Engineer points per turn
    • Lowers appeal of nearby cities
    • Effects of some buildings (Factory, Power Plant) extends to other cities whose City Centers are within 6 tiles of the Zone, but effects of multiple factories or power plants do not stack
    • Specialist provides +2 Production each

Civic requirement


Base Cost


Location requirements

Iron Working

Industrial Zone



Cannot be built next to City center (same as any Gaul district)


  • Oppidum does not receive adjacency bonus from Aqueducts, as a regular Industrial Zone would
  • Oppidum receives +2 adjacency bonus from strategic resource and quarry, regular Industrial Zones receive +1
  • Once your first Oppidum is completed it instantly grants the Apprenticeship technology, even if you don't have the prerequisites

To sum it up, this is what you shouldn't do (don't be like me):

Notice the Oppidum (looks like an Encampment) in between two Aqueducts, you should never do that when playing Gaul.

This is what you should do instead:

The Oppidum is adjacent to two quarries, this is not perfect, but a decent layout as the district receives +4 Production adjacency bonus. Strategic resources instead of Quarries are also good.

Gaul unique unit: Gaesatae

Galic unique melee unit. It replaces the Warrior. While the Gaesatae has the same base Combat Strength as the Warrior, it receives a +10 bonus against units with higher base Combat Strength and it also receives a +5 bonus when fighting against District defenses. However, the Gaesatae has a higher production cost (60 vs 40) than the unit it replaces and it also cannot be upgraded to Swordsman, its next upgrade is Musketman.




Upgrades to

Resources needed

Melee Strength




60 or 120 or 240


Musketman (370 and 20cost)





Additional information

  • +10 Combat Strength vs anti-cavalry units
  • +10 Combat Strength when fighting units with higher base strength
  • +5 Combat Strength when fighting against District defenses


The Gaesatae will allow for combat against units from civs that are more advanced in the tech tree, the +10 Strength bonus will be specially good against Spearmen and Heavy Carriots. Before starting making Gaesatae you should consider using the Agoge Policy card as the unit's production cost is higher than its replacement.

Start Bias

Gaul has a bias towards copper, diamonds, iron, jade, mercury, salt and silver.

Types of victories

Gaul's best type of victories are Domination and Cultural.


Domination victory:

Domination is one of the most suitable paths for Gaul. Ambiorix's leader ability helps a lot because the combat bonus per unit surrounded yours applies for both ally and enemy units. Gaul's unique unit replaces the Warrior, so you will have an advantage starting the game, but remember, the Gaesatae has a higher production cost, so don't start spamming them, instead use the Agoge policy card first or make sure of having cities with production. In comparison to other Domination civilizations such as Gran Colombia or Byzantium, Gaul doesn't hit as hard, but it makes it up producing more units and advancing in the civics tree while doing so.

  • Starting the game do not spam Gaesatae as they have a higher production cost than Warriors, instead your start should be something like Scout>Slinger>Builder>Settler or something like that
  • Your unique district, the Oppidum (Industrial zone replacement) has the ability to range strike once Walls are built in the city, and it also, being an Industrial Zone, helps a lot with unit production
  • Use your Gaesatae to attack more advanced units, having a bonus of +10 Combat Strength against units with higher base strength will make early battles easier
  • Most important early districts are Campus and Oppidum (you can construct Oppidums way earlier than other civs Industrial zones), ignore religion

Science victory:

Science victory is indirectly good while playing as Gaul, while the civilization doesn't have science bonus, it does have a pretty high production, thus being able to get many Eurekas. The rapid expansion of cities should also indirectly help with science, although remember leaving some space in between your city-centers and mountains, as specialty district cannot be constructed to city center.

Culture Victory:

Having bonus culture from mines and producing units Gaul has a good quickstart in the civis tree and throughout the game. The fact that the civilization has a very high production also helps a lot while compéting for wonders or simply constructing Theater Squares. Gaul has an easy time defending against warmongering civilization while not having a big army, Oppidums act as an Encampment if the city has Walls, which in turns increases your tourism output in later eras.

Religious Victory:

Ignore religion, the civilization has zero religious bonuses and it is also harder to place Holy Sites correctly because of not being able to construct specialty districts adjacent to city-center. Gaul is one of the best civilizations when it comes to ignoring Holy Sites.

Diplomatic Victory:

Gaul has a 'better than most' ability for diplomatic victories, higher production helps a lot while competing for wonders such as the Statue of Liberty and Mahabodhi Temple

Best Secret Society for Gaul: The Sanguine Pact

Militaristic civilization? Go with the Sanguine Pact. Gaul doesn't have any other options anyways, Owls of Minerva would be a very far second place, only thanks to the society's early bonus (+1 Economic Policy slot). Vampires and Vampire Castles will help throughout the entire game.

The Sanguine Pact Governor promotions

Promotion title

Unlocked by


InitiationDestroy a barbarian camp (70% chance)Grants a Vampire unit in your capital.

Reach the Medieval Era

Grants a Vampire unit in your capital, and allows your Vampires to construct Vampire Castles (maximum two per empire).


Reach the Industrial Era

Grants a Vampires unit in your capital. Increases maximum Vampire Castle build to three. Your vampires now intimidate adjacent enemy units, reducing their combat strength by 5. Pillaging now costs Vampires 1 movement.

Master Plan

Reach the Atomic Era

Grants a Vampire unit in your capital. Increase maximum Vampire Castle builds to four. Units can teleport between Vampire Castles.

Gaul throughout the game

Early game

Best starting build is something like Scout>Slinger>Builder>Settler. You need to rush the Mining technology because mines grants culture and +1 Culture is very important early game


Gaul needs to expand faster than other civilizations because its cities cannot have specialty districts adjacent to them, and therefore require more space. On the governors side, rush Magnus with the Provision promotion. On the civics side rush Early Empire to start pushing out settlers. Deity AI will get mad and probably attack you, but the Gaesatae and extra production will help you to win those battles.

Science: Have 1 decent Campus early game


Gaesatae's big advantage is that it can fight and win against more advanced units, also Oppidums can be constructed much earlier than Industrial Zones, but this doesn't mean you should completely ignore science early game, instead you should look for a good spot to build a Campus there. In my case, at a point in the game, I had 5 cities, 3 Oppidums and 1 Campus.

Gaul districts

The Civilization VI developer's team don't want us to be comfortable with districts, the latest civilizations released have very different ways of district layouts. Gaul is not the exception, specialty districts cannot be placed next to the city-center, this makes it so you have to plan a bit more while settling new cities.

Early game you should build a Campus and a lot of Oppidums. Later in the game you should build accordingly to the victory path of your choice.

Holy Sites

Disregard Holy Sites, acquire Oppidums.


Constructing at least 1 good Campus (3+ adjacency bonus) early game is enough to not fall behind in science (higher difficulties). However, remember to plan your Campuses accordingly to the city-center restriction.


'Come, enemy. Send an ambassador, for I have something to say which will benefit us both'

Receive Culture equal to 20% of the Production cost after training a non-civilian unit. Melee, ranged and anti-cavalry units receive +2 Combat Strength for each adjacent military unit, including enemy units.

Gaul unique district: Oppidum

Gaul's unique district, it replaces the Industrial Zone. The Oppidum behaves like an Encampment in the sense that it acquires Outer Defenses and Ranged Strike along with the city once Walls has been built.

  • Effects:
    • Lower Production cost
    • Acquires Outer Defenses and Ranged Strike along with the city once Walls has been built
    • Major bonus (+2 Production) for each adjacent Quarry or Strategic Resource
    • +1 Great Engineer points per turn
    • Lowers appeal of nearby cities
    • Effects of some buildings (Factory, Power Plant) extends to other cities whose City Centers are within 6 tiles of the Zone, but effects of multiple factories or power plants do not stack
    • Specialist provides +2 Production each

Civic requirement


Base Cost


Location requirements

Iron Working

Industrial Zone



Cannot be built next to City center (same as any Gaul district)


  • Oppidum does not receive adjacency bonus from Aqueducts, as a regular Industrial Zone would
  • Oppidum receives +2 adjacency bonus from strategic resource and quarry, regular Industrial Zones receive +1
  • Once your first Oppidum is completed it instantly grants the Apprenticeship technology, even if you don't have the prerequisites

To sum it up, this is what you shouldn't do (don't be like me):

Notice the Oppidum (looks like an Encampment) in between two Aqueducts, you should never do that when playing Gaul.

This is what you should do instead:

The Oppidum is adjacent to two quarries, this is not perfect, but a decent layout as the district receives +4 Production adjacency bonus. Strategic resources instead of Quarries are also good.

Gaul unique unit: Gaesatae

Galic unique melee unit. It replaces the Warrior. While the Gaesatae has the same base Combat Strength as the Warrior, it receives a +10 bonus against units with higher base Combat Strength and it also receives a +5 bonus when fighting against District defenses. However, the Gaesatae has a higher production cost (60 vs 40) than the unit it replaces and it also cannot be upgraded to Swordsman, its next upgrade is Musketman.




Upgrades to

Resources needed

Melee Strength




60 or 120 or 240


Musketman (370 and 20cost)





Additional information

  • +10 Combat Strength vs anti-cavalry units
  • +10 Combat Strength when fighting units with higher base strength
  • +5 Combat Strength when fighting against District defenses


The Gaesatae will allow for combat against units from civs that are more advanced in the tech tree, the +10 Strength bonus will be specially good against Spearmen and Heavy Carriots. Before starting making Gaesatae you should consider using the Agoge Policy card as the unit's production cost is higher than its replacement.

Start Bias

Gaul has a bias towards copper, diamonds, iron, jade, mercury, salt and silver.

Types of victories

Gaul's best type of victories are Domination and Cultural.

Domination victory:

Domination is one of the most suitable paths for Gaul. Ambiorix's leader ability helps a lot because the combat bonus per unit surrounded yours applies for both ally and enemy units. Gaul's unique unit replaces the Warrior, so you will have an advantage starting the game, but remember, the Gaesatae has a higher production cost, so don't start spamming them, instead use the Agoge policy card first or make sure of having cities with production. In comparison to other Domination civilizations such as Gran Colombia or Byzantium, Gaul doesn't hit as hard, but it makes it up producing more units and advancing in the civics tree while doing so.

  • Starting the game do not spam Gaesatae as they have a higher production cost than Warriors, instead your start should be something like Scout>Slinger>Builder>Settler or something like that
  • Your unique district, the Oppidum (Industrial zone replacement) has the ability to range strike once Walls are built in the city, and it also, being an Industrial Zone, helps a lot with unit production
  • Use your Gaesatae to attack more advanced units, having a bonus of +10 Combat Strength against units with higher base strength will make early battles easier
  • Most important early districts are Campus and Oppidum (you can construct Oppidums way earlier than other civs Industrial zones), ignore religion

Science victory:

Science victory is indirectly good while playing as Gaul, while the civilization doesn't have science bonus, it does have a pretty high production, thus being able to get many Eurekas. The rapid expansion of cities should also indirectly help with science, although remember leaving some space in between your city-centers and mountains, as specialty district cannot be constructed to city center.

Culture Victory:

Having bonus culture from mines and producing units Gaul has a good quickstart in the civis tree and throughout the game. The fact that the civilization has a very high production also helps a lot while compéting for wonders or simply constructing Theater Squares. Gaul has an easy time defending against warmongering civilization while not having a big army, Oppidums act as an Encampment if the city has Walls, which in turns increases your tourism output in later eras.

Religious Victory:

Ignore religion, the civilization has zero religious bonuses and it is also harder to place Holy Sites correctly because of not being able to construct specialty districts adjacent to city-center. Gaul is one of the best civilizations when it comes to ignoring Holy Sites.

Diplomatic Victory:

Gaul has a 'better than most' ability for diplomatic victories, higher production helps a lot while competing for wonders such as the Statue of Liberty and Mahabodhi Temple

Best Secret Society for Gaul: The Sanguine Pact

Militaristic civilization? Go with the Sanguine Pact. Gaul doesn't have any other options anyways, Owls of Minerva would be a very far second place, only thanks to the society's early bonus (+1 Economic Policy slot). Vampires and Vampire Castles will help throughout the entire game.

The Sanguine Pact Governor promotions

Promotion title

Unlocked by


InitiationDestroy a barbarian camp (70% chance)Grants a Vampire unit in your capital.

Reach the Medieval Era

Grants a Vampire unit in your capital, and allows your Vampires to construct Vampire Castles (maximum two per empire).


Reach the Industrial Era

Grants a Vampires unit in your capital. Increases maximum Vampire Castle build to three. Your vampires now intimidate adjacent enemy units, reducing their combat strength by 5. Pillaging now costs Vampires 1 movement.

Master Plan

Reach the Atomic Era

Grants a Vampire unit in your capital. Increase maximum Vampire Castle builds to four. Units can teleport between Vampire Castles.

Gaul throughout the game

Early game

Best starting build is something like Scout>Slinger>Builder>Settler. You need to rush the Mining technology because mines grants culture and +1 Culture is very important early game


Gaul needs to expand faster than other civilizations because its cities cannot have specialty districts adjacent to them, and therefore require more space. On the governors side, rush Magnus with the Provision promotion. On the civics side rush Early Empire to start pushing out settlers. Deity AI will get mad and probably attack you, but the Gaesatae and extra production will help you to win those battles.

Science: Have 1 decent Campus early game

Gaesatae's big advantage is that it can fight and win against more advanced units, also Oppidums can be constructed much earlier than Industrial Zones, but this doesn't mean you should completely ignore science early game, instead you should look for a good spot to build a Campus there. In my case, at a point in the game, I had 5 cities, 3 Oppidums and 1 Campus.

Gaul districts

The Civilization VI developer's team don't want us to be comfortable with districts, the latest civilizations released have very different ways of district layouts. Gaul is not the exception, specialty districts cannot be placed next to the city-center, this makes it so you have to plan a bit more while settling new cities.

Early game you should build a Campus and a lot of Oppidums. Later in the game you should build accordingly to the victory path of your choice.

Holy Sites

Disregard Holy Sites, acquire Oppidums.


Constructing at least 1 good Campus (3+ adjacency bonus) early game is enough to not fall behind in science (higher difficulties). However, remember to plan your Campuses accordingly to the city-center restriction.


Encampments are important, but you don't really need them early in the game. Prioritize Oppidums.


Yes, Oppidums look like Encampments in the strategy view. Symply the most important district for Gaul. Build a lot, don't place them next to Aqueducts as you would with regular Industrial Zones. Place them adjacent to Strategic Resources and Quarries.

Gaul Civ 6 Leader

Harbors and Commercial Hubs

Gaul Civ Vi

Not being able to construct Harbors adjacent to city-center will probe to be a small problem for your coastal cities, plan accordingly. You need some gold-generation if you are going the domination route, so making some Commercial Hubs and Harbor is a good idea, but are far less needed than other districts (besides Holy Sites).

Civ Vi Download

How to counter Gaul

Gaul is hard to play against, dealing with both Oppidums and Encampments is very difficult, even more so when the October 2020 patch arrives, because the AI will promptly rebuild walls.

  • Ignore Oppidums if possible: Oppidums are usually placed for adjacency-bonus reasons instead of defensive reasons. Attack Gaul cities directly.
  • Archers early game: Gaesatae are weak to Archers early game because Archers base strength is inferior, and therefore the Gaesatae do not receive its bonus against them.
  • Don't let them expand: Gaul needs space, if you let them they will take a lot of terrain in no time.

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